Caramel Silky Pudding Recipe

Still around the dessert, this time All Recipes offers Caramel Silky Pudding Recipes. Served after an appetizer and main, in a complete set of continental dishes, Caramel Silky Pudding Recipe will not disappoint.

Not a hard-to-make dessert, Caramel Silky Pudding's recipe doesn't require special skills to make it. Not only suitable for desserts, Caramel Silky Pudding Recipes are also interesting to enjoy when you are free and you want to eat foods that are not too heavy.

Caramel Silky Pudding Recipe

  • 1,500 ml of liquid milk
  • 1/2 pack of powdered gelatin
  • 130 grams of sugar
  • 1/4 tsp salt

Caramel Silky Pudding Recipe

  • 100 ml of ready-to-use caramel sauce

Caramel Silky Pudding Recipe
How to make:

  1. Mix liquid milk, gelatin, sugar, and salt, stir until the sugar dissolves. Cook over medium heat until boiling, turn off the heat, stir for a while.
  2. Pour into a serving mold or glass, let it harden then put in the refrigerator.
  3. Serve with caramel sauce.

So Caramel Silky Pudding Recipe from All Recipes, make it easy to make Caramel Silky Pudding Recipe, please try the Caramel Silky Pudding Recipe in your kitchen. Also read other recipes from All Recipes : Pancake Recipe and The cherry clafouti recipe . Happy cooking !

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